CannaMed Provides Medical Marijuana Certifications for Patients in California and Massachusetts

Cannamed is the forefront leader in the industry of Medical Marijuana. We opened our doors to help our patients get relief while educating them. When all other medical doctors did not want to consider to be part of this industry. We welcomed the challenge head on and trail blazed this industry. We have honored our patients and treated them with compassion, integrity, respect and offered a valuable service for more than a competitive price.

Why Choose CannaMed?

  • Experience, Established in 2002
  • Money Back Guarantee if You Don’t Qualify
  • Qualified, Board Certified Physicians

CannaMed is the oldest Medical Marijuana Center in California

Cannamed is proudly the first medical marijuana doctors’ offices to open in the nation in 2002. We were the first to open its doors in Hawaii, California, Massachusetts, and Mississippi and set the benchmark in all four of these states. Cannamed is known nationwide as the most trusted name in the medical marijuana industry. Cannamed has made its name in the industry by helping its patients with a much-needed alternative to traditional medicine. We offer the most recognized recommendation and the best value in the industry.  With most doctors prescribing opiates and heavy-duty narcotic medication that ultimately addicts us to these medications, Cannamed offers a viable alternative.

Responsible & Safe

We provide a responsible and safe way to treat many of the illnesses and diseases that we are burdened with today. In the words of our founder Doctor Louis J. Rosner head of Neurology Dept. UCLA Medicine. “Cannabis has the only healing property of any drug known to man. When your body ingests a drug, the body’s natural response is to push or flush that drug out of your system. When cannabis is ingested into the body, the body retains and holds onto the healing properties for sometimes 30 days to 60 days to get all the healing effects and properties that cannabis has to offer the body”.


CALL (877) 952-2662